As a fragrance enthusiast, I’ve always been curious about classic scents that have stood the test of time. One of these is Hugo by Hugo Boss, which, as far as I know, is the oldest fragrance from the brand that’s still in production. Launched way back in 1995, this cologne has been a staple in many men’s collections for years. I’ve got to be honest; I’m not the biggest fan of it, but considering its affordable price, it might be worth checking out.
Quick Facts:
When you first spray Hugo by Hugo Boss, you’re hit with a very strong and alcoholic smell that immediately reminds me of a potent aftershave. Now, for me, this initial scent is a bit overpowering and unpleasant, lasting around 90 minutes before it starts to mellow down. However, don’t expect the fragrance to transform or change its scent profile, as it stays consistent with that aftershave vibe throughout, just becoming a bit smoother later on. It’s got a bit of an action hero vibe to it – I could imagine Bruce Willis rocking this scent in his prime.

To get a better understanding of its performance, I sprayed Hugo side by side with Boss Bottled EdT, also from Hugo Boss. Interestingly, they both lasted exactly the same amount of time. As I mentioned earlier, Hugo is quite strong and harsh in the first 90 minutes, but it does become more pleasant as time goes by.
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