Man, it’s tough when a fragrance you love gets discontinued. I’m talking about the Afternoon Swim from Louis Vuitton, which was hands down the best summer fragrance for casual daytime wearing. But fear not, fellow fragrance enthusiasts, I’ll still give you my thoughts on this amazing perfume, and I’ll also let you in on a great alternative for your casual summer daytime needs.
Quick Facts:
Describing Afternoon Swim as a simple aquatic, sweet mandarin scent is accurate, but it doesn’t do justice to this masterpiece. Although it might seem like a straightforward fragrance, it’s the result of a perfect mix of ingredients and concentrations that are just magical. This scent is light, airy, slightly sweet, and has a lovely mandarin note. It’s simple, easy to wear, and it puts you in a good mood. Plus, it smells classy and super high-quality – perfect for a hot summer day.
Picture yourself at a celeb’s mansion in Hollywood, chilling by the pool with friends and girls in bikinis. That’s how Afternoon Swim smells. Although this is a very inoffensive fragrance, I’d avoid wearing it to the office, as it might give your colleagues the impression that you’re daydreaming about your next vacation instead of focusing on work.

Now, I know fresh and citrus scents usually don’t have the best performance, as lighter notes tend to fade quickly. But Afternoon Swim is a pleasant exception, lasting a solid 4-5 hours on my skin, which is pretty good for this type of fragrance.
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Final Thoughts:
Update, June 2023: Over this past weekend, I found myself in London and seized the chance to explore the perfume section at Harrods Department Store. I encountered a representative from Louis Vuitton who assured me that the ‘Afternoon’ fragrance remains very much in production, contrary to its rumored discontinuation. It appears the Paris representative may have been misinformed.