Perfume Review of Chanel No. 5

No. 5 (Chanel)

My Full Fragrance Review:

We’ve all encountered Chanel No. 5 at some point, truly one of the quintessential classics in the perfume world. While I naturally hold this fragrance in high regard and understand that many of you out there also have a fondness for it, we have to ask ourselves whether it remains relevant in 2024 and if it should be part of your scent repertoire.

Ist Chanel No. 5 noch gut in 2024?

Quick Facts:

  • Scent Profile:
  • Season: winter
  • Longevity: long-lasting
  • Occasion: versatile
  • Age Group: mature
  • Price: $$


Indeed, Chanel No. 5 has an undeniably magnificent scent, even now, without a doubt. It’s a premium fragrance, reminiscent of a niche scent one might find in collections like Roja Parfums. Chanel No. 5 has rightfully influenced generations of perfume. When I bring the scent to my nose, I’m instantly transported back to 1960s Paris. It’s the scent a chic, elegant upper-class lady would wear while walking down the Champs Elysées. That’s exactly how Chanel No. 5 smells, and it’s clear why it’s a favorite among many women. However, I perceive it as somewhat old-fashioned. Girls, let’s put it this way: it’s 2024, and Chanel No. 5 just doesn’t fit the modern era. For you out there, as a young, contemporary woman, this fragrance shouldn’t be your pick. It reminds me of my grandmother, and she’s certainly not my date choice.

Is Chanel No 5 still worth it in 2024?


The Chanel No. 5, particularly in its Eau de Parfum concentration, is indeed a potent fragrance. It stands tall, both in terms of sillage and longevity. Personally, though, I would recommend this fragrance to you ladies for the winter season only, as it might be overwhelming otherwise.

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Final Thoughts:

As the saying goes, nothing lasts forever. Chanel No. 5, one of the most pivotal fragrances in history, remains a fantastic scent in 2024—yet with a certain reservation. It really should be worn by those of a more mature age group. Apologies, ladies, but it’s just not a fit for the younger crowd. I would suggest you lean towards something more contemporary, such as Coco Mademoiselle.

Women, Chanel - No. 5 (Chanel)

Peter Krück


As the saying goes, nothing lasts forever. Chanel No. 5, one of the most pivotal fragrances in history, remains a fantastic scent in 2024—yet with a certain reservation. It really should be worn by those of a more mature age group. Apologies, ladies, but it’s just not a fit for the younger crowd. I would suggest you lean towards something more contemporary, such as Coco Mademoiselle.