Hey, today we’re talking about Dylan Blue from Versace, their take on the ever-popular blue fragrances that are all the rage these days. With a more budget-friendly price tag compared to other brands, I thought it would be worth checking out and seeing how it holds up against its more expensive counterparts. So, let’s dive right in!
Quick Facts:
As you might have guessed from the name, Dylan Blue is one of those “blue” fragrances that started with the iconic Bleu de Chanel. This particular version from Versace is a fresher, more youthful spin on the classic blue formula. In general, it smells fresh, citrusy, and well, “blue,” but it comes off as more synthetic compared to other blue fragrances I’ve tried. In general, it is a very generic kind of smell.
Versatility-wise, Dylan Blue can be worn in different climates and occasions, just like any other blue fragrance out there. If you’re a younger guy who thought that Bleu de Chanel was too formal or classic, Dylan Blue might be the perfect fit for you. Picture a laid-back early twenties dude rocking a t-shirt, jeans, and comfy sneakers, and you’ve got the ideal wearer of this scent.

Blue fragrances typically last a decent amount of time on my skin, but unfortunately, Dylan Blue doesn’t perform that well for me. After just 2 hours, it’s barely detectable, and by the 4-5 hour mark, it’s gone. Now, this could be due to my personal skin chemistry, but I can’t say I’m thrilled with the longevity of this one.
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